Michele Balice

Chief Operating Officer

Michele Balice is Chief Operating Officer at PKB and a member of the bank’s Executive Board since 2018. Born in 1973, he is of dual Swiss and Italian nationality, married and father to two children.

Previously, Michele spent over 25 years in the BSI / EFG Group, mainly in Switzerland but also in the international private banking sector in Asia and the Americas, where he served as Chief Representative, COO and CEO of local entities. He joined the Group’s Advisory Board in 2012. At the end of 2013, he returned to the bank’s parent company where he held various global positions in the Operations and Technology division.

Michele is a graduate in Economics from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) and holds a Master’s degree in Business Information Technology from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU).

Executive Management

Luca Venturini


Chief Executive Officer

Fabrizio Cerutti

Member of General Management

Chief Risk Officer

Peter Conrad

Member of General Management

Head of Private Banking

Marco Malcontenti

Member of General Management

Chief Financial Officer