Financial services Act

Information Document FinSA

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Best Execution PKB Private Bank SA

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Complaint – Swiss Banking Ombudsman

In the event of any dispute, the Client may contact his relevant advisor in person or may apply in writing to the Bank’s legal department (Legal & Compliance Department) at PKB’s registered office address. The Bank will provide a reply within a reasonable time frame.

In the event that no agreement is reached or agreed upon, the client can turn to the Swiss Banking Ombudsman, the competent mediation body for our bank and which acts neutrally and free of charge.  The client may address the Ombudsman in an official Swiss language or in English.

Swiss Banking Ombudsman
Bahnhofplatz 9
P.O. box
8021 Zurich

Client segmentation

The FinSA provides that clients of financial services providers are classified into the following categories: i) retail clients, ii) professional clients and iii) institutional clients.

To each category a different level of investor protection is assigned with respect to, for example, information obligations, suitability and appropriateness obligations, as well as documentation and liability obligations.

High-net-worth retail clients can declare that they wish to be classified as professional clients. If you are interested in applying for this change of classification, please contact your relationship manager who will discuss the requirements with you.